hej is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
HEJ 2 2.0
High energy resummation for hadron colliders
No Matches
HEJ Directory Reference
Directory dependency graph for HEJ:


file  Analysis.hh [code]
 Header file for the Analysis interface.
file  CombinedEventWriter.hh [code]
 Declares the CombinedEventWriter class.
file  config.hh [code]
 HEJ 2 configuration parameters.
file  Constants.hh [code]
 Header file defining all global constants used for HEJ.
file  currents.hh [code]
 Functions computing the square of current contractions.
file  EmptyAnalysis.hh [code]
 Declaration of the trivial (empty) analysis.
file  Event.hh [code]
 Declares the Event class and helpers.
file  event_types.hh [code]
 Define different types of events.
file  EventReweighter.hh [code]
 Declares the EventReweighter class.
file  EventWriter.hh [code]
 Header file for the EventWriter interface.
file  exceptions.hh [code]
 Custom exception classes.
file  get_analysis.hh [code]
 Contains the get_analysis function.
file  HepMCInterface.hh [code]
 Header file for the HepMCInterface.
file  HepMCWriter.hh [code]
 Contains the EventWriter for HepMC Output.
file  HiggsCouplingSettings.hh [code]
 Defines the settings for Higgs boson coupling to gluons.
file  JetSplitter.hh [code]
 Declaration of the JetSplitter class.
file  kinematics.hh [code]
 Contains function to compute the incoming momentum from outgoing.
file  LesHouchesWriter.hh [code]
 Contains the writer for LesHouches output.
file  make_RNG.hh [code]
 Declares a factory function for random number generators.
file  make_writer.hh [code]
 Declares a factory function for event writers.
file  MatrixElement.hh [code]
 Contains the MatrixElement Class.
file  Mixmax.hh [code]
 The Mixmax random number generator.
file  optional.hh [code]
 Defines the optional type.
file  output_formats.hh [code]
 Defines formats for output to event files.
file  Particle.hh [code]
 Contains the particle struct.
file  PDF.hh [code]
 Contains all the necessary classes and functions for interaction with PDFs.
file  PDG_codes.hh [code]
 Contains the Particle IDs of all relevant SM particles.
file  PhaseSpacePoint.hh [code]
 Contains the PhaseSpacePoint Class.
file  ProgressBar.hh [code]
 Contains the ProgressBar class.
file  Ranlux64.hh [code]
 Contains a class for the ranlux64 random number generator.
file  resummation_jet.hh [code]
 Functions to calculate the kinematics of resummation jets, i.e. resuffling the jet momenta.
file  RivetAnalysis.hh [code]
 HEJ 2 interface to rivet analyses.
file  RNG.hh [code]
 Interface for pseudorandom number generators.
file  ScaleFunction.hh [code]
 Functions to calculate the (renormalisation and factorisation) scales for an event.
file  stream.hh [code]
 Declares input streams.
file  utility.hh [code]
 Contains various utilities.
file  Weights.hh [code]
 Container for event weights.
file  YAMLreader.hh [code]
 The file which handles the configuration file parameters.